«Research data management training in Archaeology» is a workshop for the ICAC community which was created to make the content openly available and as a self-learning course.
The course is aimed at PhD candidates at the Institute who require a hands-on introduction to Research Data Management (RDM). However, the course can also be useful for researchers and master students interested in learning the basics of RDM.
It is structured in four successive modules that can be completed at your own pace. Each module contains informative material and self-assessment quizzes to reinforce the knowledge acquired on certain topics. This self-learning course also includes suggested exercises to apply what you will be learning throughout the content.
The course is available in Catalan and English and can be taken by «Canvas» (an open-source virtual learning platform) and/or downloaded as a PDF from Recercat.

Table of Contents

Module 1: Planning for Data Management

Module 2: Active Data Management

Module 3: Retaining, Sharing, and Archiving

Module 4: The Big Picture

Bibliographical references

Course in Canvas in English


Course in Canvas in Catalan


PDF in Recercat (Eng/Cat)


Connect with us

If you would like support and advice specific to your project, or if you notice any issue, or have suggestions, please contact us.

Last updated: 06/02/2024