There are different pathways to making your publications openly accessible:
Repository-based or Green Open Access
Green Open Access is when a version of a published work (preprint, postprint, publisher’s version) is deposited into a repository where it can be accessed for free. The repository can be an institutional repository such as Recercat. The repository allows search engines such as Google to crawl their content so that the deposited articles are accessible on the Internet. These articles may have a Creative Commons License applied, which specifies how the article can be used.
Some publishers may require some months embargo, before the article can be made available in the open repository. Information regarding the self-archiving policies of publishers can be found by searching at the Sherpa/Romeo website or publishers’ websites directly.
Journal-based or Gold Open Access
Gold Open Access refers to publishing in a fully open access scholarly journal, where the publisher provides free and immediate online access to the full content of the journal and the final published articles are fully open access. Articles have a Creative Commons License applied, which specifies how the article can be used.
Business models for this form of open access vary. Publishers often charge an article processing charge (APC), which may be paid by the funder, author’s institution, or an individual researcher.
Diamond Open Access
Diamond Open Access refers to open access journals that are free for readers to access and for authors to publish in. These journals are often community-driven and supported by institutions or by national or regional infrastructure.
Open Science & Research Services: Open Access (Nanyang Technological University)
Last updated: 21/02/2024