DOI allocation
As a researcher, would you like to increase the visibility and findability of your scientific contributions? A DOI makes your scientific texts and objects clearly referenceable and more easily accessible!
What is a DOI?
A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique and permanently valid identifier for journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, reports, theses, datasets and other scientific resources on the internet, similar to an ISBN or ISSN.
Key benefits for using DOIs include:
- It’s the de facto international standard for publication citation and discovery on the web.
- Using a persistent identifier standardizes how people cite your work, and publishers, research organisations, and funders increasingly recommend the use of persistent identifiers to better support researcher workflows.
- Research impact tools and metrics rely upon persistent identifiers – DOIs can make it more accurate and easier to help you track scholarly impact, use, and engagement.
All DOI numbers begin with a 10 and contain a prefix and a suffix separated by a slash.
- Example: DOI: 10.51417/trama_9
- Explanation: The number 10.25972 indicates the institution that assigns the DOI (in this case, the ICAC-CERCA) and trama_9 is the document-specific number.
Where can I find a DOI?
In most scholarly journal articles, the DOI will be printed with the article itself, usually on the first page somewhere: below the title or in the header or footer.
If the DOI isn’t included in the document, you can use a Metadata search engine like CrossRef: https://search.crossref.org/.
How do I get a DOI?
DOIs for individual documents can be assigned by the ICAC-CERCA. We work with CrossRef Agency.
If you are rushed, start by sending us a copy or URL link to a pre-release version of your report and we’ll take it from there. Getting a DOI with a pre-release version will benefit you by being able to include the DOI in the final published version, and encouraging its use in citations. But we can also help you retrospectively assigning DOIs to any of your historical content.
Otherwise, you can also send us the following details with your request:
- Title
- Creator(s)
- Publisher
- Publication Year
- Type of your Resource (e.g. Report, Software, Text, etc.)
- URL (if you already have it posted somewhere).
DOI (University Library Würzburg) https://www.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/research-publishing/open-access/doi/
Get a DOI (MacOdrum Library) https://library.carleton.ca/services/get-a-doi
Last updated: 21/02/2024